New Service Limitations Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Willow Springs & Chicago, Illinois – Since our last press release, situations due to the COVID-19 (Corona Virus) outbreak, have changed drastically. The Zarzycki Family of Zarzycki Manor Chapels, Ltd. still and will always remain committed and are prepared to safely care for the families it serves during this novel pandemic.

The latest recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) is as follows:

All gatherings of ten (10) or more should be cancelled, and/or only conducted with a limit of ten (10) or less people. Viewings should only be conducted on bodies that have been embalmed and should only be permissive with ten (10) or less people. Graveside services should be private and conducted with ten (10) or less people. This information is subject to change per recommendations by the Federal Government and CDC.

These implemented directives are to comply with current recommendations by the Federal Government and the CDC. Indeed, our compliance with these directives is to keep your families safe, as well as our staff.

Until we are directed further and/or until it is considered safe to hold public gatherings, funeral visitations and services will be limited to the immediate family, not to exceed ten (10) people. Visitations and cemetery services can be scheduled with these guidelines in place. We continue to operate seven days a week, 24 hours a day. If you have a death in the family, we ask that you first call us at either of our locations to notify us of the death. We will then proceed in informing you of the next steps and service options.

At Zarzycki Manor Chapels, Ltd., we recognize our responsibility to protect the health of those we are privileged to serve. We will continue to guide families, as we always have, in ways they can meaningfully commemorate the life of their loved one, while adhering to the guidance issued by federal, state and local public health officials.

We want to ensure everyone, that this is not a decision we came to lightly. Our utmost priority is to keep the families we serve, along with their family, friends and members of the community, safe and healthy. Their health and welfare are first and foremost.

We ask you in the upcoming weeks to be patient, as well as to trust in our professional decision and in our ability to guide families through a very difficult time. As information becomes available and if or when new directives are in place, we are committed to keeping the families we serve, and our communities informed.

We are your neighbors; your friends and you are our community. Any questions can be directed to us via telephone at (773) 767.2166 or (708) 839.8999 or by email at Please stay connected to our website, as well as our social media sites for more information and updates.

We share the following description of a funeral director. We hope that you feel the same. God Bless and Stay Safe and Healthy!

A Funeral Director.

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