Masks Required in All Indoor Settings Regardless of Vaccination Status

(CHICAGO & WILLOW SPRINGS) – Zarzycki Manor Chapels, Ltd.  – Governor Pritzker has issued an Executive Order for all 11 regions in the State of Illinois stating that effective August 30, 2021, masks will be required in indoor public settings for everybody over the age of 2, regardless of vaccination status.  The Executive Order can be read in full at this link. These requirements have already been instated in our Chicago facility since August 20, 2021, according to the requirements of the City of Chicago, as well as in our Willow Springs facility since August 23, 2021, according to the requirements of the County of Cook.

The Zarzycki Family of Zarzycki Manor Chapels, Ltd. still and will always remain committed and are prepared to safely care for the families it serves during this novel pandemic. These implemented directives are to comply with the current requirements of the State of Illinois, City of Chicago as well as Cook County and our compliance with these directives is to keep your families safe, as well as our staff.


As a private business following the State of Illinois’ metrics, the follow safety measures are in place at every visitation and funeral service.

  • All entering our funeral homes are required to wear a face covering/mask regardless of vaccination status.
  • Our lounges remain closed until further notice. At this time, except for bottled water, no food or beverages are allowed in the funeral homes. We encourage families to eat a good meal before arriving for visitation and funeral services. As well, we highly recommend to please patronize our local restaurants as they have been hit the hardest financially this past year.
  • Hand sanitizer is available at entry and throughout the funeral home.
  • We continue our increased frequency of disinfecting all areas (including wiping down doors, frames, handles, light switches, public restrooms, registry tables, pens, etc.)
  • Common sense social distancing practices will continue.
  • We will continue to abide by and with any third-party venue’s safety policies including, but not limited to, churches, cemeteries, and crematories. And if required, cross-check lists will be generated for services.
  • We encourage everyone to continue to use common sense including proper hand hygiene, social distance, respect for those around you and staying home if you are sick.


At Zarzycki Manor Chapels, Ltd., we recognize our responsibility to protect the health of those we are privileged to serve. We will continue to guide families, as we always have, in ways they can meaningfully commemorate the life of their loved one, while adhering to the guidance issued foremost by the State and local public health officials, following then by those on the federal level. Our utmost priority is to keep the families we serve, along with their family, friends, members of the community and our staff, safe and healthy. Their health and welfare will always be first and foremost and we will continue to operate our private business on the err of caution.



We thank everyone for their patience and perseverance as we continue to move through the many challenges and phases of the COVID-19 pandemic over the last 18 months. Any questions can be directed to us via telephone at (773) 767.2166 or (708) 839.8999 or by email at


We continue to operate seven days a week, 24 hours a day. If you have a death in the family, we ask that you first call us at either of our locations to notify us of the death. We will then proceed in informing you of the next steps and service options.

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